Just began reading recently again. Will try to catch up. Following are some of the recent books I have read, and my thoughts on them.
How to Win Friends and Influence People - by Dale Carnegie
One of the best and most recommended books for a reason. The kind of self-help book that gives too many examples to redundantly prove an idea so that it sticks to mind. It helps you change your perspective, and re-think about how you interact with people. It is useful only if you start acting on it, implement the ideas, and actually try enough to make it a habit.
The Go-Giver -by Bob Burg and John David Mann
A short read on how to build up an entrepreneurial mindset. It breaks it down as an episode of 5 meetings each of which teaches about one of the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success. Again, you get nothing out of it unless you start adapting it in your lifestyle, and requires you to have a lot of faith in the success of the laws.
Start with Why -by Simon Sinek
Personally, I did not enjoy reading it. Although, the related YouTube Ted Talk was impressive, the book is not. The author seems to take the idea of starting with why, seeing the reason behind what you are doing before doing it, to absurd extent. A very high level of redundancy and sometimes going to the extent of forcefully relating an event to his idea. Although, as always there are positives and a few good take aways.
All about Love -by Bell Hooks