Some lessons, realizations, and thoughts
Lesson 1:
Brilliance is to know when to stop.
Lesson 2:
You shall never regret the time you spent on yourself.
Lesson 3:
There will always come situations when there will be no “deterministically best” choice that you can make, given the options. None will seem the best, all of them will have their pros and cons, and you wouldn’t be able to weigh them. Do not waste time thinking too much on the options once you know the pros and cons. Wise is the one who makes the choice which seems good and works hard to make it the best. Time is of utmost importance, don’t spend time thinking, spend time doing. Be a doer.
Lesson 4:
When nothing seems to work, when you are stuck, or there is a mammoth goal to accomplish, divide and conquer is the way to go.
Lesson 5:
Be patient. Be self aware. Don’t react, respond. See the bigger picture.
Lesson 6:
Learn to prioritize. You cannot make time, you can only sacrifice. Sacrifice the low priority tasks to get more time for high priority tasks. Most of the success in life is decided about how well you priorities, and the remaining is just discipline and in the end, luck.
Thought 1:
We are tiny humans, so sensitive to tiniest things like viruses; who barely survive for a 100 years in the universe which has been here since billions of those; only within a 100 degree range, on the scale which knows no bounds; too tiny to brag about a few kgs, a few curves, a few leisures, a few assets, all of which shall turn into ashes one day. Try to focus on what remains with us on the deathbed, the memories, the experiences we had, and the people we met. Be grateful, be humble, keep it simple.
Thought 2:
How easy can it be to never see someone you know so closely ever again in life? Just knowing about the possibility of being able to see someone makes you feel at ease. But if someone dies, the possibility is taken away. You can never see the person whom you may not have ever seen again anyway, but now, you cannot for sure, even if you wanted to. And that is what gives an unhappy feeling.
Thought 3:
Death is still an unclear concept and the effects of it are very relative. For some who know the victim not so closely, it is just the uneasy feeling that is mentioned in thought 2, but for others who are closely related, they lose much more, their lives are actually affected and they are the ones who feel the loss. But there is a third category, the outsiders. For them, they are just numbers. During the COVID pandemic, people analyzed curves, statistics, a million affected, 2 millons now, and so on. But only when there is one affected by it who is closely related to you, that you realize and see beyond the numbers.
Some words for myself
“The way through the challenge is to get still and ask yourself what is the next right move, not to think about the whole lot of things, but the next move and then the next move, and so on. Do not be overwhelmed it because you know your life is much bigger than that one moment. You are not defined by what somebody says, not by that one failure.” -Oprah Winfrey