• Introduction to Docker | Tech

    Notes from Introductory course on Docker: Introduction: What are containers? Group of processes running in isolation (processes run on same shared kernel) Isolated by having its own set of namespaces Monitored by Control groups or cgroups VMs vs Containers VMs run a hypervisor, run full blown OS on same host...

  • Handy Snippets | Tech

    Python general Error catching Python assert <expression> , "<message>" # OR if not <expression>: raise AssertionError("<message>") # some exception types that can be used: # AssertionError, IndexError, RunTimeError, TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionErrore # OR use try except try: print("Hello") except: print("Something went wrong") # if error in try else: print("Nothing went...

  • Structure From Motion | Tech

    This is the first Tech blog on the website, many more to come. These blogs will be about something I find interesting from Engineering perspective, or some concepts I find myself revisiting often and I feel the need to keep them in an easily accessible place. Starting with one of...

  • C++ STL overview | Tech

    #include<bits/stdc++.h> //includes all the standard libraries and STL #include<typeinfo> //for type deduction while exploring (Not a necessity by any means) Vectors Declaration: // vector<type_name> a; vector<int> a; //or vector<int> a{}; //or vector<int> a{1,2,3,4}; //or vector <int> a(b.begin(),b.end()); //initialize using another vector All type_name replaced by int for this walkthrough. Methods...

  • C++ Notes | Tech

    Object Oriented Programming: Basic concepts in Object Oriented Programming: Classes: Blueprint Object: An instance of the class Encapsulation: Wrap up relevant information under units Abstraction: Reveal only what is necessary (Can be using classes or headers) Polymorphism: Same names, different purposes (overloading) Inheritance: Reuse what can be reused, inherit from...