Why write?
by Saumya Shah
“Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.”
– Guindon
I opted for an “experience” which has a tendency to make people think in loops. While it was more pronounced during that experience, it made me realize how prevalent it is in daily lives. Some common examples are over-thinking, spending time thinking about a task and worrying rather than getting it done, re-evaluating choices and being indecisive, etc. All of these are a strong indicators of how sloppy our thinking is. Only if you spent a little extra effort and blatantly wrote down all that pops in your head, you’ll realize quickly how little of actual substance there is. You very quickly hit diminishing returns on the (new perspective)/(time spent) ratio. The next step is then to organize the information you just put down and analyze it all you want, with just one rule of stopping as soon as you realize you are reaching the tail of the cycle.